Cohen Lab

If one sings about the invisible, and to Calvino – Lab Meeting 12/03/2020

If one sings about the invisible, and to Calvino
These cities Marco Polo told the Khan,
Which are forgotten by memory now,
Only shadows exist and else are gone.
Oh Where? In Levantine but no one saw.
Ooh! A human cries for joy not for pain,
Only in Diomera with damascened wall;
And Isidora, before her all fain,
In endless desires memory is all.
It’s real? The Great Khan asks, with his back bent.
Does it matter? As light as a feather
Polo’s answer is outside the present,
Just as daydreams, do not wither.
To feel the subtlety of foreverness,
And to kiss the pain of experience.

Credit – Siqi Zhao