Cohen Lab


Zoom – Lab Meeting 11/19/2020

Your face frozen on
my screen. These days we all have
limited bandwidth.

haiku by Janni Lee Simner, shared by Dustin

Brad – Lab Meeting 10/15/20

There once was a promoter called Brad
Who flew to a landing pad
He left in style
But landed in hell
He makes me a little mad

Credit – Clarice Hong

Jeff is a transcription factor – Lab meeting 09/24/20


Jeff biked off to find a good beer
But only closed breweries would appear
Good thing he was a pioneer developmental transcription factor
He broke in with his zinc retractor
And drank all the night with good cheer

Credit – Jeff Hansen

A TF ponders – Lab meeting 08/27/20

On the sense strand a TF pondered,
“Which way to the enhancer I wonder?”
Should I follow the loop,
through this phase separate soup?
Or hitch a ride with my pal p300?

Credit – Barak Cohen


Look what our intrepid observer Yawei spotted outside. It seems that stay-at-home won’t stop us from making observations. Imagine that you are the first human to ever observe a rainbow, how would you explain it? Or would you rather just enjoy it?

A computationalist’s lament – Ryan’s lab meeting 8/20/20

Stay home? No problem! My work won’t be quenched.
After all, things in lab can make quite a stench.
But one fifty seven days
of work from home craze
makes me wish I did more at the bench.

Credit – Ryan Friedman

Mutants, brawn and bereavement from Nicole’s lab meeting – 8/13/20

There once was a zygote conceived
Whose genome mutated with ease
The mutations plopped on
With great strength and brawn
And now the parents are bereaved

Credit – Nicole Rockweiler

Gene regulation and fruit from a tree – Yawei’s lab meeting 8/7/20

Yawei started lab meeting with a cartoon depicting a model of gene regulation. See if you can figure out the analogy.

Image credit – Yawei Wu

Haiku – Siqi’s lab meeting 7/30

Of those sleepless nights,
how many did you consume,

Credit – Siqi Zhao

Congrats Ryan on your F31!

Congrats Ryan for recieving a F31 award from NHGRI ("Interpreting function of non-coding sequences with synthetic biology and machine learning").